
Below is a repository of all of the resolutions that have been passed by our membership, including amendments to our Bylaws. You can find our current Bylaws here. Please contact our Recording Secretary at HGSU.records [a] gmail if you have any questions or would like access to the meeting minutes recording the passage of each resolution.

General Membership Meeting Resolutions:

  1. Resolution Endorsing One Member, One Vote (4/6/2021) HGSU members voted to endorse One Member, One Vote during the upcoming UAW-wide referendum to improve democracy and representation at the highest levels of the UAW.
  2. Bylaws Amendment (3/9/2021) The Governance and Participation Committee proposed a bylaws amendment which clarified that the President is a member ex officio of all committees, including the bargaining committee.
  3. Changes to Benefit Fund Rules (2/2/2021) The Finance and Benefits Committee proposed amending the benefit fund rules to allow more student workers to get funds reimbursed during the spring 2021 semester.
  4. 2021 Budget (2/2/2021) The Finance and Benefits Committee proposed a 2021 budget that created separate funds to address portions of our organizing activities, to guide our spending of dues money going forwards.
  5. UAW Academic Workers Demands for Biden: To adopt the letter and its demands as a union and sign on to it as a union publicly, allowing for minor changes to be made to properly frame it as coming from a nation-wide group of UAW academic worker locals. (1/12/2021)
    • HGSU members voted to sign onto this letter drafted by student workers at California universities that calls on the Biden administration to address the current crises facing workers in higher education.
  6. Harvard Kennedy School Letter demanding accountability for Trump officials invited to campus (12/1/2020) HGSU members voted to sign onto this letter drafted by students at the Harvard Kennedy School urging the administration to create transparent guidelines for the invitation of political actors to campus following the end of the Trump administration.
  7. Organizational Chart (11/10/2020) The organizational chart of our union explains how our various leadership bodies operate and relate to one another. It also reinforces the guiding principle that our membership is the highest decision-making body for our Local.
  8. Resolution Containing Appendices from Original HGSU Bylaws To maintain their force and make them easier to amend in the future, the Governance and Participation Committee proposed a motion containing the former Bylaws appendices: Solidarity Forever, Solidarity Dues, and Standing Committees.
  9. Bylaws Amendments (11/10/2020 and 12/1/2020) These bylaws amendments were proposed by members of the HGSU Governance and Participation Committee to bring our bylaws into agreement with the UAW international constitution.
    • 11/10 : Motions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
    • 12/1 : Motions 3, 8
    • Language
  10. Enactment of Bylaws (8/11/2020) This language formally enacted our bylaws and allowed our bargaining committee to act as an executive board until the election of our first board.
  11. Acceptance of Bylaws (8/11/2020) Our bylaws govern the day-to-day functioning of our union, including election of officers, bargaining committee members, and stewards,  and define our guiding principles. Bylaws can be amended following a proposal from any member at a general membership meeting.
  12. Adoption of Benefits Funds rules (8/11/2020) Our benefit funds, as detailed in our contract, are disbursed based on guidelines devised by our Finance and Benefits Committee to ensure equitable distribution among members.