HGSU Member Hub Login

Trying to access members-only content? Your login may have expired or you may need to make one! If you just logged in, head to the hub.

To log in: 
1) enter your Harvard email, click “Log In”. **
2) check your Harvard email inbox (CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK MAIL) and click the temporary login link. It will look something like this:

Please note that this login system uses cookies to remember you, rather than an individualized login so you will need to log in via email again on a new device, incognito mode, or whenever the cookies expire.

Once you’ve logged in, head over to the member hub.

** If you get an error that says “
The username or email you provided do not exist,”  click here click here to send an email Latane Bullock (latanebullock@g.harvard.edu).