Bargaining Update #3: Positive Progress on Remote Work

Our names are Shani Cohen and Ash Tomaszewski, and we are on your bargaining committee. At our second bargaining session, HGSU and the University discussed several proposals on the table:

  1. Remote work: the University responded positively to the idea that the home should be recognized as a workplace during periods of remote work and that workplace equipment should be provided, if needed, when SWs are working remotely. 
  2. Intellectual property the University is maintaining their position carving out this issue from grievance and arbitration procedures.
  3. Appointment letters and appointment security: on time appointment letters and full salary if the University can’t fulfill the appointment.
  4. Union Access and Rights: enforcing already guaranteed access to orientations
  5. Union Security: share the cost of representation across unit.

Overall, this week was mostly positive. We are still working through presenting our first round of proposals. Going forward, we fully expect more open debate and would love your support in the bargaining room! Expect to hear more about this in the coming weeks.

In solidarity,
Ash and Shani