Section 1.
It is understood that the Union has no authority, nor shall the University be obligated, to negotiate over stipends for graduate students, including the stipends of bargaining unit members, nor shall the University be obligated to negotiate over any other financial matters for graduate students who are not members of the bargaining unit. The provisions of this Article only apply when a student is working as a member of the bargaining unit.
Section 2.
Compensation for salaried SWs.
A Research Assistant 1– A graduate student usually appointed on an annual basis for a 12-month period to perform research work under the supervision of a faculty/principal investigator. The parties understand that the work of a Research Assistant is a blend of academic and employment endeavors and that clear separation of each is difficult. The stipend that such an RA receives could be characterized as financial assistance or compensation or both. Thus, it is understood that for this category of SW and for purposes of this Agreement only, the stipend offered by the University is the functional equivalent of a salary and will be referred to as such in this Article only.
The minimum salaries for all such SWs in FY 20 were:
Life Sciences | 12 months | $39,528 |
Physical Sciences | 12 months | $37,932 |
Other | 12 months | $35,676 |
10 month or shorter appointments for these two levels are pro-rated accordingly.
The above rates will increase by 2.8% on July 1, 2020 or upon ratification, whichever comes last.
B. Research Assistant 2 –
A Research Assistant 2 — In addition to their research work, a graduate student who also has a teaching assignment.
Provided such a teaching appointment is approved by their faculty advisor, the SW will have an appropriate adjustment in their research workload. If in discussions with the faculty advisor and/or principal investigator such an adjustment is not possible or not mutually desirous, the Research Assistant II will receive additional compensation in accordance with department or program guidelines.
The minimum salaries for Research Assistants 2 will be the same as for Research Assistants 1.
C. Teaching Fellows
- There are four types of salaried teaching fellows (TFs) throughout the University who perform instructional duties:
- Teaching Fellow 1
- Teaching Fellow 2
- Instructional Fellow
- Pedagogical Fellow
General descriptions of the duties and eligibility for such positions are found in Article 2, Titles and Classifications and Article 16, Workload. More particularized duties may be found in individual employment appointment letters.
- Teaching Fellow categories when the TF is teaching a single standard University course or section under the direction of a full-time faculty member or when teaching a course independently. Compensation may be pro-rated for courses that run for less than a full semester. The minimum pay rates for FY 20 are as follows:
Junior rate | Senior rate | |
Teaching rate A | $3,400 | $3,400 |
The minimum rate for any Teaching Fellow in the School of Public Health or any SW teaching in the School of Public Health.
Junior rate | Senior rate | |
Teaching rate B | $4,920 | $5,520 |
The minimum rate for Teaching Fellow I or Pedagogical Fellow or a CA 1 or CA 2 for teaching a section in any School or College other than SPH that usually although not always accompany lectures given by faculty members.
A Teaching Fellow 2 (Head Teaching Fellow) does not have section teaching responsibilities. Teaching Rate B is the rate for a Teaching Fellow 2. If a TF2 were to also lead a section, they would receive an additional TF1 appointment and be paid the TF1 compensation in addition to the TF2 compensation.
[Note: this was the old 0.2 FTE]
Junior rate | Senior rate | |
Teaching rate C | $9,840 | $11,040 |
The minimum rate for any Instructional Fellow. An Instructional Fellow has primary instructional responsibilities for a course, under the supervision of a faculty member.
[NOTE: This was the old 0.4 FTE]
Except as minimally provided above, variation between and within Teaching Rates B and C will be determined by each School. While the School must pay the minimum rates above, the School has the discretion to pay more than this rate based on a variety of factors. In deciding whether more than the minimum should be paid, the School shall take into account various factors including but not limited to degree of difficulty of the course or section; class size; degree of independence and accountability for the SW; frequency of meetings; attendant course advising; and any oversight responsibilities. Such determination shall not be grievable.
Each School is required to publish which rate applies for particular courses and particular teaching activities.
All such rates may be pro-rated accordingly for courses with less than a full semester’s (term’s) duration.
- The Senior Rates will be applied for any Ph. D SW who has successfully completed their first two years of their Ph. D program. The Junior Rates will be applied for all other SWs. The parties agree that there are currently some situations where a School has stated in writing that it will pay the Senior Rate to SWs who would ordinarily be paid at the Junior Rate. Those situations will continue during the life of this Agreement. Determination of successful completion of the first two years is based on academic progress and is not grievable.
- In courses that do not have a TF 2, faculty may, but are not required, to designate a TF 1 to carry out some additional administrative duties. If such duties are beyond the scope of the appointment, additional compensation will be provided to the SW.
- The Teaching Rates above will be increased by 2.8% on July 1, 2020 or upon ratification, whichever comes last, except for SPH where the rate shall be $3598 effective July 1, 2020 or upon ratification, whichever comes last.
- For SWs within their admissions offer period, (normally, in their third and fourth year of graduate work), the minimum rates described above for teaching will be considered compensation and will be separately paid to the SW. However, such compensation is not an addition to the SW’s stipend. During the admissions offer period, the total amount of funding to the SW, including the compensation for teaching, will be equal to the amount specified in the admissions offer letter.
- Other Teaching Rates
Full-time graduate students teaching in any School of the University will be paid under the Junior or Senior Teaching Rates B or C categories in Section C above, except for Lecturer/Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Salaried Course Assistants in the Division of Continuing Education (DCE) and the School of Public Health.
Nothing shall preclude the University from paying higher compensation rates in its discretion. - Division of Continuing Education (DCE)
As an exception to the rates in Section C above unit members teaching in DCE were paid at the following minimum compensation rates depending on title during FY20 and shall be set at the same minimum rates for FY 21:
DCE- Lecturer/instructor | $7800 per 4 credit course |
DCE- Teaching Assistant | $3900 per 4 credit course |
DCE- Head Teaching Assistant | $1950 for such work |
DCE- Salaried Course Assistant | $850 per 4 credit course |
- Other instructional work besides teaching. It is understood that programs may offer differing amounts of compensation for other instructional work besides teaching a course or section of a course, such as tutoring, thesis advising, leading practicums and other instructional work.
- The rates for these appointments will be dependent on the duration and scope of the work. Work expectations, anticipated time commitments, and rate of pay must be detailed and explicit in the employment appointment letter, and such expectations should not reasonably imply an hourly wage less than the minimum hourly rate specified in this agreement. Any increase to those expectations will require additional compensation.
- The teaching rates delineated in Section C. above for teaching courses includes, in addition to class time, preparation, grading, meeting with and advising students on course work and all other matters attendant to teaching the course. No additional compensation is paid for any such attendant work other than the course rate except as provided in Section C. d. above.
- Limited Research Assistant Appointments
SWs may have short duration, limited scope salaried research assistant appointments. These appointments may be for work that is not directly related to the student’s academic endeavors. The rates for these appointments will be dependent on the duration and scope of the work. Work expectations, anticipated time commitments, and rate of pay must be detailed and explicit in the employment appointment letter and such expectations should not reasonably imply an hourly wage less than the minimum hourly rate specified in this agreement. Any increase to those expectations will require additional compensation.
Section 3.
Compensation for Hourly SWs
- It is recognized that hourly rates of pay for hourly Research Assistant, Course Assistants, hourly Teaching Fellows and other hourly workers vary greatly throughout the University. Some Schools have specific rates of pay for their hourly workers. Some hourly rates vary depending on the amount of available funds in a faculty member’s grant.
- However, all hourly SWs who perform instructional work (e.g. Course Assistants) regardless of School will receive at least the minimum hourly rate of pay of $17.00 per hour effective July 1, 2020 or upon ratification of this Agreement, whichever comes last.
- All hourly SWs who perform research work (e.g. hourly Research Assistant) will receive at least the minimum hourly rate of pay of $16.00 per hour effective July 1, 2020 or upon ratification of this Agreement, whichever comes last.
- Where a School has a publicized standard hourly rate of pay that exceeds $16 per hour (or $17 per hour for instructional work), the University agrees that for the life of this Agreement, such standard hourly rate will not be reduced below what it was in FY 20.
Section 4.
A SW shall be paid on a timely basis, in accordance with the University’s normal business operations, for the teaching and other compensable duties they performed, provided the SW has submitted to the University, in a timely fashion, all documentation or information necessary for the processing of said payment.
Section 5.
If the University, in error, overpays wages to a SW in a given pay period, the University, once it discovers the error, will promptly notify the SW of the amount of the overpayment and the date on which the overpayment occurred. In such a case, the University and the SW will work out a repayment plan for the overage. If they wish, the SW may seek the help of the Union in negotiating over the repayment plan. Such repayment plan shall be consistent with applicable federal and state wage law.
If the University, in error, underpays a student worker, it shall promptly correct the error and pay any back wages owed.
SWs shall endeavor to report to the University any possible overpayments, or underpayments, so they may be corrected as soon as possible.